User Experience with Auto Apps

When a required Auto App update is available, and the app is not open, Kandji Agent updates that app without requiring interaction.

Update Notifications

A banner notification will appear once the app has successfully been cached to the Mac, displayed in order of enforcement date, from earliest to latest.

Update in Progress: A banner notification will appear if an update is in progress and an attempt to open the app is made.

Kandji will forcibly close an app once the update is initiated. Kandji will also prevent the app from being opened during the update. If the app was previously opened and forced to close for an update, it will reopen after the update has been completed.

Updating Auto Apps inside the Kandji Menu Bar app

As soon as the update has cached to the Mac, a red dot indicating an action is required will appear in the Kandji Menu Bar app.

When clicking on the Kandji Menu Bar app dropdown, a list of available updates will be shown, sorted by enforcement date, from earliest to latest. Clicking on an update will show the Update Info page. You can select the Update Now button to install all pending updates.

Installing: After an update starts via the Kandji Menu Bar app, installation progress will be displayed.

Updates Complete: After an update starts via the Kandji Menu Bar app and the installation completes, a green checkmark appears next to each completed update.

Enforcement Deadline Reached

Once the Enforcement Deadline is reached, Kandji will silently update the app, with a 24-hour limited deferral period. If the application is open, the Kandji Menu Bar app will open, displaying a 5-minute countdown, allowing time to close the application and save any open work. If the apps are not closed by the end of the countdown, Kandji will forcibly close those apps. If the apps are closed before the end of the countdown, the updates will start immediately. If the app was previously opened and forced to close for an update, it will reopen after the update has been completed.