AppleCare Enterprise Support

AppleCare Enterprise Support

In certain situations, Kandji support might suggest reaching out to the AppleCare Enterprise Support team. This is particularly relevant for issues related to Apple Business Manager, Apple Push Notification service, Apple hardware, macOS, iOS, iPadOS, tvOS or visionOS where AppleCare might be better equipped to assist.

If a Kandji Support Engineer advises you to contact AppleCare Enterprise Support directly, please provide them with as much context from your Kandji support case as possible, if requested. Kandji collaborates closely with AppleCare, and both support teams can coordinate on cases when necessary. Make sure to share your Kandji ticket number with AppleCare Enterprise Support if it's anticipated that both teams will need to work together to resolve your issue.

Contacting AppleCare Enterprise Support

You can reach AppleCare using your AppleCare Professional Support Agreement or by contacting them using the global phone numbers. Please use the Enterprise number.

United States - Enterprise Support: 1-866-752-7753

AppleCare Enterprise Support Hours

For customers with an AppleCare Professional Support Agreement, the AppleCare Enterprise Portal (AEP)days is available seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Please refer to your Support Agreement Proof-of-Coverage documentation for more details.

Contact Apple for Deployment Programs Support  

If you need assistance enrolling in Apple Business Manager, please refer to the Apple Business Support website. You can reach AppleCare Deployment Programs Support by phone at 1-866-902-7144

Contact Apple for Apple Push Notification Services Certificates

For help with Apple Push Notification service, please refer to the Contact Apple for help with Push Notification Service Certificates web page. You can reach Apple Deployment Programs Support by phone at 1-866-902-7144