Deleting a Classic Blueprint

By Katelyn Husvar

Learn how to remove Classic Blueprints inside Kandji


Kandji makes it easy to create, modify, delete, and duplicate Classic Blueprints. Deleting a Blueprint from your Kandji account is easy. However, deleting a Blueprint that has devices assigned to it can be disruptive. Be sure to review and follow the directions below.with devices assigned

Before Deleting a Classic Blueprint

Removing a Blueprint that has devices assigned will cause them to become unenrolled in Kandji entirely, and their history records deleted. These devices will need to be enrolled again to regain control.

Deleting a Classic Blueprint will unenroll all devices assigned to the Blueprint. 

Deleting a Classic Blueprint

  1. Login to Kandji and click on the Blueprints in the navigation menu.
  2. Click on the more (...) button on the Blueprint you'd like to delete and select Delete Blueprint.
  3. Review the warning, and if you agree, check the box before clicking on Delete Blueprint.
There is no way to recover a deleted Blueprint.