Troubleshooting Device Check-In

By Bre'Anna Scott

Learn how to get a device checking in again


macOS devices enrolled in Kandji attempt to check in every 15 minutes. If a device isn't checking in, review the following quick fixes to attempt to regain communication between Kandji and the device. 

Quick Fixes


  • Make sure the device has an active, unblocked internet connection. Try a different connection, like a mobile hotspot, to rule out the internet connection as the reason.

Force a Check-in

Self Service

  • The Sync button in the Device Info section of Self Service allows end users to easily initiate device check-ins when requested by their IT administrators.

Command Line

  • Force Kandji to run via the command line. Enter the following command in to force Kandji to check-in. The Terminal output may provide details on the current status of Kandji.
    sudo kandji run


  • If a process has stalled, restarting the device may resolve the issue and help the device start checking in normally. Kandji waits up to 30 minutes to check in after a reboot to ensure the device is not occupied with updates or other activities.


  • Manually re-enrolling the problem device may resolve any check-in-related issues.
  • Ensure the correct Blueprint is selected when enrolling a device. If a different Blueprint is selected, the device will enforce that Blueprint's assigned Library items and parameters. The device record will not be duplicated after re-enrolling. Kandji will link the new enrollment with the prior device record.