macOS Check-In

By Aaron Alquillera

Learn how and when macOS devices Check-in with Kandji and Apple services

How instant is MDM communication?

MDM servers send a special type of notification to the Apple Push Notification service to request managed devices to "Check-in" with their MDM server. As part of APNs, Apple devices are constantly polling APNs for Notifications. This results in near-instant management of online devices; as such, there is no defined "Check-in" time for MDM commands.

Check-in type and frequency for macOS devices

Learn about the different types of check-in operations macOS devices perform with Kandji.

Force Check-in Using Self Service

Using the Sync button in Self Service is the same as performing a Daily Check-in.

  1. Open the Self Service app.
  2. Navigate to the Device Info section.
  3. Click on the Sync button.

Recurring Check-In

  • Frequency: This Check-in event automatically happens every 15 Minutes
  • Mechanism: Kandji Agent
  • Description:
    • Checks for and installs any available updates for the Kandji Agent. 
    • Executes and enforces Blueprint parameters
    • Installs any pending library items, in this order of operations:
      • Custom Scripts
        • Timeout: 1 hour per item
      • Custom Printers
        • Timeout: 3 Hours per item
      • Custom Apps
        • Timeout: 12 Hours (global limit)
      • Auto Apps
        • Timeout: 6 Hours per item
      • Managed OS
        • Timeout: 12 Hours (global limit)
  • Additional Info:
    • The Library Items above are run in this specific order of operations.
    • Items within each Library Item type are run alphanumerically, with uppercase letters coming before lowercase letters
    • The above timeout values are the maximum amount of time each Library Item is allowed to install/run before the process is terminated
    • There is a global timeout value of 12 hours for a single run. Custom Apps and Apps and Books installations initiated via Self Service respect this global limit. 

How can I force Recurring Check-in?

  • To force a Recurring Check-in, run the following command in Terminal:
    sudo kandji run

Daily Check-In

    • Frequency: This Check-in event automatically happens every 24 Hours
    • Mechanism: Kandji Agent
    • Description:
      • All recurring Check-in items
      • Daily Items, such as:
        • Custom Scripts
        • Custom Compliance Scripts
        • Blueprint Parameters
          • Secure home folders
          • Check Applications folder for appropriate permissions
          • Check System folder for world writable files
          • Ensure time is within appropriate limits
      • Collects and submits daily computer information to your Kandji tenant, such as:
        • Application inventory

How can I force Daily Check-in?

  • To force Daily Check-in, run the following command in Terminal:
    sudo kandji run --reset-daily

MDM Daily Check-In 

Frequency: This Check-in event automatically happens once every 24 hours

Mechanism: APNs / MDM Framework

Description: This Check-in is a combination of the following MDM Commands, which are automatically initiated by Kandji to update device information:

  • ProfileList
  • InstalledApplicationsList
  • SecurityInfo
  • CertificateList
  • AvaliableOSUpdates
  • DeviceInformation

How can I force MDM Daily Check-in?

    • To force the daily MDM commands, run the following command in Terminal:
      sudo kandji update-mdm

MDM Commands & Profiles

Frequency: Instant

Mechanism: APNs / MDM Framework


  • Any MDM command such as:
    • Wipe Device
    • Blank Push
    • Delete User 
    • Set Device Name 
    • Unlock User Account
    • Lock Device
    • InstallApplication (VPP/Apps and Books/Mac App Store Apps)
  • Any MDM delivered profile such as:
    • Any Profile deployed via a Library Item.

How can I force MDM Commands & Profiles Check-in

  • Not applicable for this type of Check-in.