Adding Custom Apps to Your Library

By Declan Alleyne

Learn how to add a custom app to your Kandji Library

Kandji lets you deploy custom apps to your Mac devices. This guide reviews the steps needed to add a Custom Application to your Library. 

Add an App to your Kandji Library

  1. Click on Library in the navigation bar.
  2. Click on Add New.
  3. Select Custom App.
  4. Click Add & Configure.
  5. Complete the following items:
    • Custom App Name: Display name of the app within Kandji Library and Blueprints.
    • Give the Custom App an Assignment of one or many Blueprints.
    • Execution Frequency: Specify if Kandji should attempt to install this package once per device, or have the package enforced. 
    • Choose Package Type: Choose from Installer Package, Disk image, or ZIP file.
    • Pre-install Script: Provide a script to be executed before the package is run. 
    • Upload Installer: Attach a .pkg, .dmg, or .zip file with the desired package to deploy (The maximum file upload size is 5 GB). 
      • If you choose a .zip file type, you will have an additional field to define an unzip location.
      • If you choose a .dmg file type, the disk image must contain only a .app file in order to function as desired. 
    • Post-Install Script: Provide a script to be executed after the package is run.
    • Restart after successful install: Specify if a Mac should restart after the package (and scripts, if provided) are deployed.
  6. Click Save.

The new Custom App will now appear in your Library, ready to be added to a Blueprint.

Learn how to Deploy a Custom App or read our Custom App Overview.