Alerts Overview

By Katelyn Husvar

Learn about alerts and their capabilities


Alerts allow Kandji to inform you of important information about your devices. By enabling specific Parameters, you can specify the type of alerts that are generated. Alerts are presented inside the Alerts section found in the left-hand navigation bar. Configure the Slack or Teams integration to view alert events outside of Kandji.

There is no functionality to manually dismiss an alert.

Parameter Alerts

Alerts are available for the Report available macOS updates and Report user accounts that are signed into iCloud Parameters. These Parameters have a bell icon next to their on/off toggles. When a Parameter and its Alert are both enabled, alert events will display within the Alerts section of Kandji.

For example, when using Report available macOS updates is enabled, Kandji generates an alert if a software update becomes available for any Mac enrolled in the associated Classic Blueprint or Assignment Map.

Mute Parameter Alerts

Click the bell icon next to the on/off toggle of the Parameter you'd like to mute. When a Parameter alert is muted, Kandji will still log the alert for viewing and tracking, but there won't be an indicator in the left-hand navigation bar.

Library Alerts 

All library items will show an alert if the item fails. This includes Profiles, Custom Scripts, Custom Printers, Custom Apps, and App Store Apps. Any failure—such as a custom app or a configuration profile failing to install—will trigger an entry to the alerts section as shown below.

Viewing Alerts


Clicking on Alerts in the left-hand navigation bar will take you to new alerts. Within the Alerts tab, you will be able to view details of all current alerts. Current alerts generate an indicator in the left-hand navigation bar.

Muted Alerts

Muted alerts will not generate an indicator in the navigation bar. Click on the Muted Alerts tab to view details of all current muted alerts. 

Cleared Alerts

If a device has resolved its alert, it will be marked as cleared. For instance, if an alert for FileVault enforcement is visible, the alert will be cleared once FileVault has been enabled on the device. Alerts that have been resolved on a Parameter will be accessible in the Cleared Alerts tab. Click on the Cleared Alerts tab, and you will be able to view details of all now-resolved alerts.

The Enable FileVault 2 alert may be displayed if you have recently enabled FileVault for devices. This is likely due to deferred enablement being active for a user. Each user will be prompted to enable FileVault on the next login.