iOS, iPad OS, tvOS, & visionOS Check-In

How is MDM communication instant?

MDM servers send a particular type of notification to request managed devices to "Check in" with their MDM server. As part of Apple Push Notification service (APNs), Apple devices constantly poll Apple Push Notification service for Notifications. This results in near-instant management of online devices; as such, there is no defined "Check-in" time for MDM commands.

Check-in Types and Frequencies for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, and visionOS Devices

MDM Daily Check-in


Every 24 hours


Apple Push Notification service/MDM framework


A combination of the following MDM commands automatically initiated by Kandji:

  • ProfileList

  • InstalledApplicationsList

  • CertificateList

  • AvailableOSUpdates

  • DeviceInformation

Able to be Forced?

Yes. To force the MDM Daily Check-In:

  1. Navigate to the device Record in your Kandji tenant.

  2. Select the Details tab.

  3. Click Update Now under Device Information.

MDM Commands & Profiles




Apple Push Notification service/MDM framework


Any MDM command, including:

  • EraseDevice

  • BlankPush

  • DeleteUser

  • SetDeviceName

  • UnlockUserAccount

  • InstallApplication

  • InstallProfile

Able to be Forced?


Installed Application List


Every 24 hours


Apple Push Notification service/MDM framework


An MDM command:

  • InstalledApplicationList

Able to be Forced?

Yes. To force the Installed Application List Daily Check-In:

  1. Navigate to the device Record in your Kandji tenant.

  2. Select the Apps tab.

  3. Click Update Now under the Last updated section.