Device Enrollment Profile Status

What is a Device Enrollment Profile?

Kandji links a specific profile to the devices within your Apple Business Manager account via Apple's Device Assignment Services API to enable Automated Device Enrollment. Once Kandji assigns a profile, the device is ready for streamlined, automatic setup. 

Device Enrollment Profile Statuses




The profile will be assigned shortly; please refresh the page in a moment. 


The Device Enrollment profile for the current Blueprint has been assigned. 


The Device Enrollment profile has failed to assign; please contact Kandji Support. 

Check Device Enrollment Status

Before attempting to enroll a device through Automated Device Enrollment, it's important to check the status in the Automated Device Enrollment section in your Kandji Web App.

  1. Click Enrollment in the left-hand navigation.

  2. If not already selected, choose Automated Device Enrollment.

  3. In the upper right-hand corner, select Awaiting Enrollment or All.

  4. The Profile column lets you see the status of the Automated Device Enrollment profile assigned to the device.

  5. The Assigned to Kandji column date and time information displays when the enrollment status was set.

    The Awaiting Enrollment Status means that a device is not currently enrolled with , but is ready to be enrolled through Automated Device Enrollment.

Last Fetch

The Last Fetch date and time shown above the Profile column is the last time Kandji received updated Automated Device Enrollment information from Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager.

Timing Considerations

When Apple devices connect to the internet during Setup Assistant, it contacts Apple to determine if it has a Device Enrollment profile pending. If the device does not have a profile pending at that time, it can be set up as if it were a consumer Apple device.

Before connecting your devices to the internet during Setup Assistant, ensure that:

If the above conditions aren't met, the device(s) in question may fail to enroll into Kandji via Automated Device Enrollment.