Device Views Overview

Understanding Device Views and how to use them to sort and filter your fleet

Device views are a useful feature that allows you to sort, filter, and perform bulk updates on your device fleet.

With predefined attributes, you can customize which columns and attributes are displayed, apply date filters, and search for any device in your fleet.

Customizing Attributes in Your View

Each team member in Kandji can configure their own device views to fit their specific needs by following these steps:

  1. From the lefthand navigation, select Devices.
  2. Ensure the Views tab is selected.
  3. In the upper righthand corner, click Edit columns.
  4. When the Edit Columns drawer open, you'll see a list of attributes for which you can add or reorder columns.
  5. Make your selections, and then click Save View near the top left of the drawer.
  6. If desired, you can export a CSV of the data in your view by using the Export CSV icon next to the column editor.

Available Attributes

The following attributes can be used to sort and filter your device fleet.

Agent Installed

Agent Version

Alert Status

Apple Silicon

Asset Tag

Battery Health

Blueprint Name

Cellular Technology

Data Roaming

Device Capacity

Device ID

Device Name

Device Serial Number

Device User

Device User Email

Display OS Version

First Enrollment Date

First Seen

Host Name

Last Changed

Last Check-In

Last Check-In Agent

Last Check-In MDM

Last Collected

Last Enrollment Date

Last Updated

Local Hostname

Lost Mode Status

MDM Enabled


Model Identifier

Model Name

OS Build

OS Name

OS Version

Personal Hotspot

Shared iPad

Supplemental Build Version

Supplemental OS Version Extra
