Deploying Homebrew as a Custom Script

By David Marks

How to deploy the Homebrew agent as a Custom Script on your macOS devices

As with all scripts, we recommend testing thoroughly before deploying to machines in production.


  • Copy the InstallHomebrew.zsh code from the Kandji support GitHub repository (GitHub Link)

Add a Custom Script

  1. In the left-hand navigation bar, click Library.
  2. In the upper right-hand corner, click Add New.
  3. Click Custom Script.
  4. Click Add & Configure.

Configure the Custom Script

  1. Give your Custom Script a Name.
  2. Assign your Custom Script to a test Blueprint. Edit Assignment Rules if you only want the installation on a subset of the Blueprint's devices.
  3. Select an Execution Frequency.
  4. Paste the code from the GitHub link copied earlier into the Script Details field.
  5. Click Save in the lower right-hand corner.